Department of Electrical Engineering

BS Electrical Engineering
Program Mission
Program Educational Objectives
Program Learning Outcomes
Mapping of PLOs to PEOs
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Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering

Since launching of the program in fall 2012, BSEE is progressing rapidly to become a promising program in developing professional electrical engineers. The department has a capacity to accommodate 160 undergraduate students.The EE labs are well-equipped with the state-of-the-art equipment for its undergraduate program.

The BEEE program is designed to produce quality professional engineers with abilities to design, manage and operate electrical engineering-based projects. The program effectively provides a strong foundation for those wishing to pursue a career in electrical engineering through a diverse range of theoretical knowledge and practical skills. The program is based on solid foundations of mathematics and sciences and hands on training augmented by industrial visits and study tours.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

The graduates of BEEE program are expected to

  1. Be competent engineers who exhibit theoretical and practical knowledge in industry and/or academia.
  2. Practice engineering in an ethical and socially responsible manner.
  3. Demonstrate interpersonal and management skills and engage in professional growth.

Program Mission

The mission of the Bachellors in Electrical Engineering Program is to “to provide quality education, strive to impart critical thinking and creativity using latest tachenologies adhering to a sense of social responsibility and team work skills".

Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

The graduates of Electrical Engineering program will attain the following attributes:

  1. Engineering Knowledge: An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering fundamentals and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
  2. Problem Analysis: An ability to identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences.
  3. Design/Development of Solutions: An ability to design solutions for complex engineering problems and design systems, components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
  4. Investigation: An ability to investigate complex engineering problems in a methodical way including literature survey, design and conduct of experiments, analysis and interpretation of experimental data, and synthesis of information to derive valid conclusions.
  5. Modern Tool Usage: An ability to create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools, including prediction and modelling to complex engineering activities, with an understanding of the limitations.
  6. The Engineer and Society: An ability to apply reasoning informed by contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to professional engineering practice and solution to complex engineering problems.
  7. Environment and Sustainability: An ability to understand the impact of professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts and demonstrate knowledge of and need for sustainable development.
  8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of engineering practice.
  9. Individual and Team Work: An ability to work effectively as an individual or in a team, on multifaceted and/or multidisciplinary settings.
  10. Communication: An ability to communicate effectively, orally as well as in writing, on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.

Mapping of PLOs to PEOs

Sr. No PLOs PEO #1 PEO #2 PEO #3
1 Engineering Knowledge X
2 Problem Analysis X
3 Design/Development of Solutions X
4 Investigation X
5 Usage of Modern Tools X
6 The Engineer and Society X
7 Environment and Sustainability X
8 Ethics X
9 Individual and Teamwork X
10 Communication X
11 Project Management X
12 Lifelong Learning X

Semester Plan

Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Pre Req
Applied Physics
Course Description and CLOs

Course Description

This freshman level course equips the students with the applied concepts of Physics that would serve as a foundation for subsequent electrical engineering courses. The important topics covered include electric charges, electric field, electric potential, Coulomb’s law, Gauss’s law, capacitors and dielectrics, electric current, Ohm’s law, magnetic field, magnetic force on current, Ampere’s law, Faraday’s law, Lenz’s law, work and energy, linear momentum, Torque and angular momentum, equilibrium and elasticity, wave theory and law of thermodynamics.

Course Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

  1. Illustrate the electromagnetic and mechanical phenomena mathematically.
  2. Apply knowledge of basic physical laws to solve real life problems.
  3. Perform experiments demonstrating laws of electrostatics and mechanics.
3+1 None
Islamic Studies / Ethics (for non Muslim students)
Course Description and CLOs

Course Description

The course is aimed to provide basic information about Islamic Studies; to enhance understanding of the learners regarding Islamic Civilization. The course masters the skill of the learners to understand issues related to faith and religious life.

Course Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

  1. Enhance understanding of the students regarding Islamic Civilization
  2. Improve Student’s skill to perform prayers and other worships to enhance the skill of the students for understanding of issues Related to faith and religious life
2+0 None
Introduction to Computing
Course Description and CLOs

Course Description

The subject is aimed at students with little or no programming experience. It aims to provide students with an understanding of the role computation can play in solving problems. Main topics covered in this course are: understanding of computers, its components, and peripherals, introduction to number systems, conversions between binary and decimal numbers, introduction to logic gates, introduction to commonly used software programs like MS Office, MS Excel to make spread sheets, use formulas and plot data, writing documents in MS Word, preparing presentations in MS Power spoint, introduction to programming constructs e.g. basic I/O to console, built in data types and arithmetic operations, conditional statements and loops, arrays and functions, writing and debugging small programs.

Course Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

  1. Describe the fundamental components and concepts of computing.
  2. Identify simple hardware instructions using basic computer architecture.
  3. Solve computing problems using appropriate programming language constructs.
1+1 None
English-I (Comprehension)
Course Description and CLOs

Course Description

The course aims at learning word order, identification of phrases, sentence structure and paragraph writing. It focuses on understanding English sentence structure to help the students achieve proficiency in language use, develop listening skills, improve reading efficiency and build up vocabulary.

Course Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

  1. Practice English correctly in speaking and writing.
  2. Follow English vocabulary and skills to use it in professional life.
  3. Identify common errors usually made by the learners of English as a second language.
3+0 None
Calculus & Analytical Geometry(Math-1)
Course Description and CLOs

Course Description

This course is an introduction to calculus and analytical geometry, emphasizing on: limits and continuity, rate of change of limits, continuity of point and continuity on interval, differentiation, relation between differentiability and continuity, derivative as slope, chain rule and applications of ordinary derivatives, integration, definite and indefinite integrals, Reimann sum, area under the graph of a non-negative function, transcendental functions, logarithmic, exponential, hyperbolic and inverse hyperbolic functions, vectors in spaces, vector calculus, directional derivatives, multivariable functions, partial derivatives, parameterizations of plane curves, vectors in plane, vectors in space, dot products, cross products, lines and planes in space, spherical, polar and cylindrical coordinates, vector-valued functions and space curves, areas moments and centers of mass, triple integrals and volume of a region in space.

Course Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

  1. Solve problems involving Limits, Continuity, Differentiation and Integration of a class of functions.
  2. Apply concepts of optimization to real world problems especially in electrical engineering domain.
  3. Compute physical lengths, curves and volumes using definite integrals.
3+0 None
Workshop Practice
Course Description and CLOs

Course Description

The course introduces students to various equipment related to electrical safety, earthling, and prevention from electrical shock. The course further emphasizes on the understanding and practicing of electrical wiring of a house, design and build of a basic printed circuit board (PCB), safety measures while dealing with high voltage setup, and a problem based learning practical project of house wiring.

Course Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

  1. Describe electrical safety and earthing concepts.
  2. Practice basic electrical wiring of a house.
  3. Construct and assemble beginner level printed circuit boards (PCBs).
  4. Comply with the safety guidelines while dealing with high voltage setup and assist each other in group related tasks.
0+1 None
Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Pre Req
Engineering Drawing
Course Description and CLOs

Course Description

This course equips the students with the basic knowledge and skills of engineering drawing and its applications in practical scenarios. The main topics include: Types of lines, dimensioning, lettering, orthographic first angle projection, sheet planning and orthographic third angle projection, introduction to computer aided drawing, isometric projection, sectional drawing, assembly drawing, reading and preparing electrical engineering drawings such as wiring diagram, power system layout diagram.

Course Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

  1. Imitate drawing concepts like dimensioning, lettering and projections on drawing boards.
  2. Sketch layers, regions, 3D drawing, and apply them on primitive solids in a CAD tool.
0+1 None
Linear Circuit Analysis-I
Course Description and CLOs

Course Description

This course explains how to analyze circuits that have direct current (DC) or voltage sources. Circuits with resistors, capacitors, and inductors are covered, both analytically and experimentally. The important topics covered include electric quantities, electric signals, electric circuits, Kirchhoff's laws, circuit elements., resistance, series parallel combination, voltage and current dividers, resistive bridges and ladders, practical sources and loading, instrumentation and measurement, nodal analysis, loop analysis, linearity and superposition, source transformation, one ports, circuit theorems, power calculations, dependent sources, circuit analysis with dependent sources, ideal transformer, amplifiers., the operational amplifier, basic op-amp configurations, ideal op-amp circuit analysis, summing and difference amplifiers, amplifier types, capacitance, inductance, natural response of RC and RL circuits., response to DC forcing function, transient response of first order circuits, step, pulse and pulse train responses, first order op-amp circuits, transient response and step response of second order circuits, AC fundamentals; RMS or effective, average and maximum values of current & voltage for sinusoidal signal wave forms.

Course Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

  1. Solve linear circuits using electric network laws and theorems.
  2. Compute the behavior of energy storing elements and their transient responses.
  3. Calculate the steady state response of resistive and reactive elements to AC excitation.
  4. Setup the lab equipment and measure the readings.
3+1 None
Programming Fundamentals
Course Description and CLOs

Course Description

This course introduces students to fundamentals of programming using C++ as an example. The important topics covered in this course include I/O to/from console and files, built-in data types, arithmetic and logic operators, basic flow control blocks like loops and conditional statements, , functions, memory organization of program (text section, data section, heap & stack), arrays, character arrays and strings, pointers, dynamic memory allocation, object-oriented programming concepts like classes, constructors and destructors, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, operator overloading, File I/O functions and using templates for making programs more generic.

Course Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

  1. Use programming IDEs to write and debug programs.
  2. Develop computer programs using procedural programming.
  3. Utilize object-oriented programming concepts in programs.
3+1 CS100
SS2xx Humanities and Social Sciences Elective 3+0 None
Differential Equations
Course Description and CLOs

Course Description

The objective of the course is to enable the students to understand the fundamentals of first order and second order differential equations and their applications. Different types include variable separable forms, homogeneous, non-homogenous, linear, nonlinear, partial, exact differential equations, modeling, orthogonal trajectories, population dynamics, Initial-value and boundary-value problems, method of undetermined coefficients, method of variation of parameters, power series solution, spring mass problems, RLC circuits, wave equation and heat equation.

Course Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

  1. Express the fundamental concepts of differential equations.
  2. Solve first and second order differential equations and partial differential equations using the concepts developed in the course.
  3. Apply the concepts of ordinary derivatives and partial derivatives for modeling of physical systems.
3+0 MT101
English–II (Communication Skills)
Course Description and CLOs

Course Description

The course aims to enhance students’ linguistic command so they can communicate effectively in diversified sociocultural situations and identify as well as repair any instances of potential communication break-up.

Course Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

  1. Communicate effectively using intermediate-to-advanced level English.
  2. Participate in group discussions by attentive listening, questioning to clarify ideas, eliciting responses, or disagreeing in a constructive way.
  3. Develop rhetorical knowledge and critical thinking.
3+0 SS104
Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Pre Req
Digital Logic Design
Course Description and CLOs

Course Description

This course introduces students to the world of digital hardware design. The main topics of course include introduction to number systems, conversion from one radix to another, binary and hexadecimal numbers, logic gates, Boolean algebra, logic simplification and logic analysis for combinational circuits, designing common combinational circuits like multiplexers, de-multiplexers, comparators, adders, and multipliers etc., latches and flip-flops, sequential circuits analysis and design, state machines based designs, counter-based circuits, hardware description languages and FPGAs, and in class design and live demonstrations of circuits like digital clock, VGA controllers and/or a small processor.

Course Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

  1. Perform number conversions to/from common bases i.e., Binary, Decimal, Hexadecimal.
  2. Analyze combinational and sequential circuits.
  3. Construct simple combinational and sequential circuits.
  4. Synthesize digital circuits using frequently used components e.g., multiplexers, de-multiplexers, flip-flops, counters etc.
  5. Reproduce the logic diagram by wiring the digital ICs on breadboard.
3+1 None
EE222 Basic Civil Engineering 3+0 None
Linear Algebra
Course Description and CLOs

Course Description

This course includes the study of linear systems of equations, vector spaces, and linear transformations. Topics covered in this course are introduction to system of linear equations, matrix form of system of linear equations, Gaussian elimination method, Gauss-Jorden method, consistent and inconsistent systems, homogeneous system of equations, vector equations, vectors in plane and RPn, vector form of straight line, geometrical interpretation of solution of equations, applications of linear systems, linear transformations, matrix transformations, domain and range of linear transformations, geometric interpretation of linear transformations, matrix of linear transformations, inverse of a matrix, LU factorization, determinants, geometric meaning of determinants, properties of determinants, crammer rule, vector spaces, definition of vector spaces, subspaces, spanning set, Null spaces and column spaces, Bases for Null space and Kernal space, dimension of a vector space, Eigen values and Eigen vectors, diagonalization and applications of Eigen values.

Course Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

  1. Solve a system of linear equations that appears in circuit analysis, electromagnetic fields and waves, antenna theory, microwaves, etc.
  2. Interpret the vector equations and linear transformations which are used in image processing, Control theory, etc
  3. Apply knowledge of vector spaces, Eigenvalue and Eigenvectors in engineering problems.
3+0 None
Electronic Devices & Circuits
Course Description and CLOs

Course Description

This course explores the theory and principles of electronic devices and digital circuits. It includes semiconductor devices, PN junction behavior, electrical characteristics and equivalent circuits of diodes, application of diodes, load line analysis, parallel and series configurations, gates, half wave/full wave rectifiers, clipper and clamper circuits, zener diodes, voltage-multiplier circuits, bipolar junction transistors(BJTs) construction and operation, amplification analysis, multiple configurations, limits of operation, specification, testing, casing and terminal identification of BJTs; DC and AC analysis of BJTs including operating point, miscellaneous configuration networks, design operations, current mirror and current source circuits, PNP transistors, transistor switching networks, bias stabilization, re-model, current gain, RL and RS, two port systems, cascaded systems, darlington and feedback pair, hybrid equivalent model, hybrid π Model, variations of transistor parameters.

Course Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

  1. Explain the construction, working and characteristics of basic electronic devices including p-n junction diode, Zener diodes, BJTs, FETs and their applications in electronic circuits.
  2. Solve amplifier circuits using BJTs and FETs.
  3. Setup the lab equipment to conduct experiments and measure the readings.
3+1 EE116
Complex Variable & Transforms
Course Description and CLOs

Course Description

The objective of the course is to teach them basic manipulations on complex numbers. The important topics covered include the complex number system, different types of complex functions, analytic properties of complex numbers, theorems in complex analysis to carryout various mathematical operations in complex plane, limits, continuity, differentiability, contour integrals, analytic functions, harmonic functions, Cauchy–Riemann equations, Cauchy’s integral formula, convergence of sequence and series i.e., Taylor series, Laurents series, Fourier series, Fourier transform and the Laplace integral transform.

Course Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

  1. Define the complex number system, complex functions, and integrals of complex functions.
  2. Compute limits, continuity, differentiability of complex valued functions.
  3. Apply the results and theorems in complex analysis to complex valued functions.
  4. Solve ordinary linear differential equations using Laplace transforms.
3+0 MT104
Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Pre Req
Signals & System
Course Description and CLOs

Course Description

This is a basic undergraduate course covering the physical interpretation of signals and systems. It introduces the fundamental mathematical concepts involved in signals and systems. The important topics covered include continuous time and discrete time signals, periodic signals, even and odd signals, exponential and sinusoidal signals, the unit impulse and unit step functions, Linear Time Invariant (LTI) systems, causality, BIBO stability, convolution and correlation, continuous time Fourier series, continuous time Fourier transforms, time and frequency characterization of signals and systems, analysis and design of continuous time systems using Laplace transforms.

Course Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

  1. Express the concepts of signals and systems and their types.
  2. Identify system properties such as causality, stability, linearity, and time invariance etc.
  3. Apply convolution integral to determine the output of continuous time systems
  4. Analyze continuous time signals and systems in the time/frequency-domain using different transforms.
3+1 MT214
Electrical Network Analysis
Course Description and CLOs

Course Description

In this course students continue to explore the techniques of linear circuit analysis by analyzing the temporal response of first and second order circuits. Major topics of course are current and voltage transients, RLC circuits with DC and AC excitation, transient response and step response of second order circuits., resonant circuit, series and parallel resonance in AC circuit, Q-Factor, analog filters, introduction to phasor representation of alternating voltage and current, single-phase circuit analysis, star-delta transformation for DC and AC circuits, three phase circuits, power in three phase circuits and different methods of its measurements, two-port networks and their interconnections, application of Laplace transform in circuit analysis.

Course Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

  1. Analyze RLC circuits and differentiate between transient and steady state responses
  2. Compute time domain, phasor and frequency domain response of second order circuits
  3. Analyze balanced three phase systems.
  4. Assemble circuits on breadboard and perform measurements.
3+1 EE116
Data Structure & Algorithm
Course Description and CLOs

Course Description

This course introduces the data structures for efficiently storing, accessing, and modifying data. This course also introduces various algorithms to solve problems efficiently. The students use the programming structures, abstractions, and algorithms to improve the efficiency of computer programs in terms of their run-time and memory usage. The important topics covered include a quick review of basic programming concepts (i.e., pointers, arrays, dynamic memory, classes, encapsulation, templates, recursion), usage of standard template library algorithms and containers (e.g., vector, string, list, deque, set, map, unordered set, and map, etc.), complexity analysis, design and development of custom data structures (e.g., vector, linked list, queue, stack, tree, binary search tree, AVL tree, B+ tree, heap, graph, and hash table), searching and sorting algorithms (binary search, insertion sort, selection sort, quick sort), tree traversal algorithms, graph algorithm (search, topological sort, Prim for minimum spanning tree, Dijkstra for single-source shortest path), introduction to algorithm design techniques (greedy algorithm, divide and conquer, dynamic programming etc.).

Course Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

  1. Use standard library’s containers and algorithms.
  2. Interpret and apply a given data structure and/or algorithm.
  3. Develop standard/custom algorithms and data structures like sequential and associative (ordered and unordered) containers
  4. Comply with the policy of original work and anti-plagiarism by citing/referencing other people’s work and third-party tools & libraries. Share workload in group project.
3+1 CS106
Electronic Circuit Design
Course Description and CLOs

Course Description

In this course students are provided an insight of the analysis and design of the electronic circuits that find extensive applications in control systems, digital instrumentation, communication, and computers etc. This course is devoted to the study of amplifier analysis, hybrid model of a transistor, small-signal analysis, large-signal analysis, gain calculation of single-stage amplifier, cascading, multistage gain calculations, current sources, differential amplifiers, DC and AC analysis of differential amplifier; design of simple differential amplifier; level translator, offset and offset compensation, op-amp with negative feedback, frequency response of an op-amp, DC and AC analysis of op-amp ICs, power amplifiers and classifications, feedback concept, feedback amplifiers, voltage feedback amplifier, current feedback amplifier, effect of feedback on frequency response, practical amplifier considerations, Input and output impedance, amplifier loading and impedance matching. The lab experiments covers the design and analysis of these circuits.

Course Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

  1. Analyze frequency response of single and multistage amplifiers.
  2. Analyze small signal amplifiers and power amplifiers networks
  3. Design small-scale electronic circuits using operational amplifiers
  4. Assemble active circuits on breadboard and perform measurements to verify design.
3+1 EE215
Pakistan Studies
Course Description and CLOs

Course Description

The course aims to develop vision of historical perspective, government, politics, contemporary Pakistan, ideological background of Pakistan. The course makes the students aware from Pakistan and with foreign policy, their social and political rights to make them good citizens

Course Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

  1. Understand Ideology of Pakistan, Educational movement of Pakistan and Land of Pakistan.
  2. Understand political development
  3. Understand the resources of Pakistan.
2+0 None
Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Pre Req
Embedded Systems
Course Description and CLOs

Course Description

This course introduces the development of embedded systems using microcontroller concepts, embedded software design basics, microcontroller peripherals, and their interfacing. The students use the appropriate processes, techniques, and tools to design and develop real-world responsive embedded solutions. The important topics covered include an introduction to embedded systems (issues, challenges, embedded design constraints), embedded microprocessor architecture (types, addressing modes, instruction set), embedded software design (machine code, C-language and the compiler, debugging the embedded software and the hardware), embedded software engineering (development models, requirement specifications, design, code review, and testing), digital and analog I/O peripherals, sensors and actuators, interrupts, ADC and DAC interfacing, timers, parallel and serial communication interfaces (UART, I2C, SPI), capture-compare-PWM module, responsive systems, concurrency and scheduling (static/dynamic, preemptive/non-preemptive), introduction to real-time operating systems (tasks, threads, shared-memory programming).

Course Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

  1. Explain basics of a specific microcontroller architecture and its instruction set.
  2. Demonstrate the understanding of microcontroller peripherals by programming
  3. Imitate the usage of microcontroller’s peripherals and its interfacing on a microcontroller kit.
  4. Design and implement a microcontroller-based solution for problems e.g., internet of things (IoT), home automation, robotics or human-machine interfaces.
3+1 CS106
Digital Signal Processing
Course Description and CLOs

Course Description

This course provides an introduction to processing of discrete-time (DT) signals. It covers discrete LTI systems, convolution, difference equations, z-transforms, sampling of continuous time signals, sampling rate, pre-filtering to avoid aliasing, quantization errors, transform analysis of LTI systems, frequency response of LTI systems, all pass systems, minimum phase systems, IIR & FIR Filters and Filter Design Techniques, Discrete Time Fourier Transform (DFT) and FFT algorithms, Fourier analysis of Real Signals with DFT. In lab experiments the focus is on solving discrete-time signal processing problems using techniques and algorithms covered in the theory.

Course Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

  1. Describe discrete time signals and systems in time and frequency domain.
  2. Analyze discrete time signals and systems using Discrete Time Fourier Transform and Discrete Fourier Transform and Z transform.
  3. Employ FIR and IIR filter techniques.
  4. Produce and process signals using digital signal processing techniques.
3+1 EE223
Probability Methods in Engineering
Course Description and CLOs

Course Description

This course introduces the basic concepts of probability and statistics. The important probability topics include set theory, basic concepts of probability, conditional probability, total probability theorem, Bayes’ rule, independent events, combinatorics, discrete random variables (uniform, Bernoulli, binomial, geometric, Poisson) and their functions (expectation, mean, and variance), probability mass functions (joint, conditional, marginal), continuous random variables (uniform, exponential, normal) and their functions (expectation, mean, and variance), probability density functions, cumulative distribution functions, joint PDFs of multiple random variables (conditioning, independence), covariance, correlation, the law of large numbers, central limit theorem. The important statistics topics include classical statistics, tabular and graphical presentations, sampling and sampling distributions, parameter estimation, linear regression, hypothesis testing, introduction to Bayesian statistics.

Course Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

  1. Describe basics of theory of probability and random variables.
  2. Compute CDFs, PDFs and PMFs of continuous as well as discrete nature.
  3. Employ descriptive statistics techniques for engineering problems.
3+0 MT101
Electromagnetic Field Theory
Course Description and CLOs

Course Description

This course introduces the concepts of electricity and magnetism. The major branches of electromagnetics i.e. electrostatics, magnetostatics, and time-varying fields are covered. The main topics include: review of vector calculus, introduction to coordinate systems, basic laws of electrostatics and their applications, basic laws of magnetostatics along with their applications, divergence operator, curl operator, gradient operator, electrostatics Maxwell’s equations, magnetostatics Maxwell’s equations, time varying fields, displacement current concept, and time varying Maxwell’s equations.

Course Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

  1. Describe the basic vector algebra and calculus, orthonormal and non-orthonormal coordinate systems.
  2. Analyze the theory of electrostatics in general and apply them in various situations.
  3. Analyze the theory of magnetostatics in general and apply them in various situations.
  4. Describe time dependent fields, coupled electric and magnetic field intensities in order to develop electromagnetic model.
3+0 NS111
Electrical Machines
Course Description and CLOs

Course Description

The objective of the course is to understand the working principle of different static, dynamic, DC, AC and special purpose machines. The course covers the EMF equations, torque equations, speed, voltage regulation, and efficiency of electrical machines. Main topics include magnetic field and circuits, Faraday’s and Lenz’s law, magnetization curves characteristics of hard and soft magnetic materials, losses in magnetic materials, single phase transformer, DC motors and generators, induction motor, synchronous motor, alternator, single phase induction motors, switched reluctance motors, hysteresis motors, stepper motors and brushless DC motors.

Course Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

  1. Apply the concepts of magnetic fields to analyze magnetic circuits and principle of operation of transformer and compute various parameters of transformer.
  2. Explain construction, working principles, characteristics and equivalent circuits of DC and AC machines.
  3. Compute the various parameters of AC/DC motors, generators, their equivalent circuits, rotating magnetic field, the induced voltage and torque, phasor diagrams and the relationships between speed, power and torque.
  4. Perform experiments in a laboratory enabling the students to gain insight into the functioning of transformer, AC and DC machines.
  5. Comply with the safety guidelines while dealing with high voltage setup and assist each other in group related tasks.
3+1 EE116
Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Pre Req
Communication System
Course Description and CLOs

Course Description

The basic objective of this course is to provide basic knowledge of major components of a communication systems. The important topics covered include the basics of signal and representation of signals by trigonometric Fourier series, signal transmission and analysis, Fourier transforms and their properties, Amplitude Modulation (AM), baseband and carrier communications, Double Sideband (DSB), Single Sideband (SSB), Vestigial Sideband (VSB), Superhetrodyne AM receiver, carrier acquisition, angle modulation, Instantaneous frequency, bandwidth of FM/PM, generation of FM/PM, demodulation of FM/PM, mathematical representation of noise, Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR), noise in AM, FM, and PM systems, pulse modulation, sampling and quantization, Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM), Pulse Position and Pulse Width Modulation, Pulse Code Modulation (PCM), delta modulation, Frequency Shift Keying (ASK), Phase Shift Keying (PSK).

Course Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

  1. Identify base band and band pass communication systems.
  2. Use analog modulation schemes i.e. amplitude modulation, angle modulation and related methods to construct a basic communication system and compute their performance metrics for simple ideal and AWGN (additive white Gaussian noise) channels.
  3. Discover the basics of digital modulation schemes.
  4. Demonstrate problem solving by proposing, debating a solution to a problem. Share work load in group project.
3+1 EE223
Linear Control Systems
Course Description and CLOs

Course Description

This course provides an introduction to modelling, analysis, and design of feedback control systems. The progression of topics in the course includes: the relationship between transfer function poles and system specifications, closed-loop pole placement to meet specifications, differences between open-loop and closed-loop control using a DC-motor-based case study, use of feedback to improve tracking, PID controllers, and stability testing using Root Locus and the Nyquist criterion, Nichols charts, state-space design to demonstrate the applicability of linear algebra methods for representing control systems, and using matrix representations to characterize system response and lead to the use of state feedback for system stabilization and control. Simulation and Controller design using MATLAB such as linear quadratic guassian, linear quadratic regulator, h-controller etc.

Course Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

  1. Construct mathematical models of physical systems using relevant physical laws.
  2. Formulate the mathematical models using Laplace Transform and represent in the form of a block diagram and signal flow graphs.
  3. Analyze response parameters of different physical systems from responses and stability in time and frequency domain.
  4. Design controllers of linear systems using root locus technique including state space techniques.
  5. Setup the trainers & kits and perform measurements to verify control models.
3+1 EE223
Measurement & Instrumentation
Course Description and CLOs

Course Description

This course introduces the function, operation, and application of common electrical engineering instruments, measurement principles, and statistical analysis. Major topics of course are precision measurements terminologies, measurement techniques, instruments for measurement of electrical and non-electrical quantities including voltmeters, ammeters, function generators, oscilloscopes, systems for signal processing and signal transmission, modern instrumentation techniques, static and dynamic responses of instrumentation and signal conditioning, data acquisition systems, principles of operation, construction and working of different analog and digital meters, advanced testing & measuring instruments recording instruments, signal generators, sensors, input and output transducers, types of bridges for measurement of resistance, inductance, and capacitance; power and energy meters; high-voltage measurements, PLC systems etc.

Course Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

  1. Identify peculiar errors associated with electrical/electronic instruments and employ methods for minimizing such errors.
  2. Express the theory of analogue DC and AC measuring instruments
  3. Demonstrate integration of transducers with analog and digital hardware.
  4. Construct a simple prototype design of analog and digital meters to measure electrical signals and other parameters like resistance, capacitance and inductance.
3+1 EE215
Power Electronics
Course Description and CLOs

Course Description

The objective of the course is to understand the basic principles and applications of power converters and their control aspects. The important topics covered include power diodes, transistors, thyristors, triggering devices, construction, characteristics, operations, losses, ratings, control and protection of thyristors, single and three-phase rectifiers i.e. uncontrolled, semi-controlled, full controlled rectifiers, single and three-phase inverters, cyclo-converters, AC regulators, DC-DC converters i.e. buck, boost, buck-boost, isolated, forward, flyback converters and applications of power electronics.

Course Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

  1. Express knowledge of basic principles and techniques of converters used in power electronics.
  2. Analyze various single phase and three phase power converter circuits and their applications.
  3. Assemble a power electronics based application.
  4. Adhere to the safety guidelines while dealing with high voltage setup and sharing workload in group project.
3+1 EE215
English-III (Technical Report Writing)
Course Description and CLOs

Course Description

The course aims at augmenting students’ proficiency in technical writing in order to sensitize them to the dynamics, challenges and needs of the modern world characterized by technologically advanced social, cultural and corporate settings.

Course Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate proficiency in writing memos, proposal, covering letter, enquiry letter, job application letter, acceptance letter, business letter, short report, long report etc.
  2. Use a standard word processing along with a referencing tool for report writing.
  3. Learn techniques to facilitate effective interpersonal and interactive communication
3+0 SS124
Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Pre Req
Applied Thermodynamics
Course Description and CLOs

Course Description

The objective of the course is to enable the students to understand the principles of Thermodynamics (Zero, first and second law including entropy) and its application in solving engineering problems. It includes the understanding of Otto, Diesel, Brayton, and Rankine power cycles which enable the students to understand basic cycles in Power plants. The topics covered are first law of thermodynamics, the non-flow equation, the steady flow equation, the working fluid, the perfect gas all equations and laws, reversible non-flow process (constant volume and pressure process), reversible adiabatic non flow process, polytropic process, introduction to the second law, The heat engine, entropy, irreversibility, exergy, introduction to heat engine cycles, the carnot cycle for perfect gas, the constant pressure cycle, understanding of otto cycle, diesel cycle, dual combustion cycle, and stirling and ericssion cycle, rankine cycle, methods to improve the efficiency of Rankine cycle, concept of reheat and regenerative rankine cycle, brayton cycle as a gas turbine cycle, understanding of brayton cycle with intercooling, reheating and regeneration, reciprocating internal combustion engines i.e. SI,CI,2 & 4 strokes engines, (working, timing diagrams, merits/demerits), refrigeration, vapor compression cycle, multistage and cascade refrigeration, air Conditioning System

Course Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

  1. Describe basic concepts of thermodynamics.
  2. Apply characteristics of the Otto, Diesel, and Brayton power cycles to solve thermodynamics problems
  3. Compute thermal efficiencies and performance of heat engines and refrigeration using the second law of thermodynamics and entropy concepts.
3+0 None
EE4xx Technical Elective-I 3+1 None
EE4xx Technical Elective-II 3+0 None
EE498 Senior Design Project–I 3+0 None
Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Pre Req
Computer Communication Networks
Course Description and CLOs

Course Description

The course aims to help the student understand the terminology and standards in modern day computer networks and to help them understand communication basics, network and network technologies with emphasis on data and computer communication within the framework of the OSI and TCP/IP protocol architectures. The students use appropriate concepts and tools to design and develop simulated networks. The important topics covered include network architectures and switching techniques, characteristics of transmission media, channel access protocols and their efficiency, link control protocols, and their efficiency, routing algorithms and protocols, interconnection of network at the link level and at the network level, the Internet Protocol (IP) and associated control protocols, end-to-end protocols, with TCP and UDP as examples; congestion control and flow control, cursory view of application-level protocols, including electronic mail, HTTP and DNS

Course Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

  1. Describe the working and implementation of protocols in different layers of TCP/IP model.
  2. Compute fundamental analog and digital signal parameters.
  3. Apply protocols based on layered architecture on basic problems.
  4. Assemble a network using available physical tools and network simulation tools.
3+1 EE321
Power System Analysis
Course Description and CLOs

Course Description

The objective of the course is to understand the power system problems, solutions, power flow studies, fault analysis and stability issues. It includes the per unit system, admittance model, impedance model, network calculations, load flow studies using numerical methods, importance of the fault analysis in electrical power system, faults and their types, Symmetrical Fault Analysis (SFA): SFA using thevenin’s theorem and Z-bus, short circuit MVA, Unsymmetrical Fault Analysis (UFA): symmetrical components, sequence impedances, sequence networks of loaded generator, Line-to-Ground (L-G) fault, Line-to-Line (L-L) Fault and Line-to-Line-Ground (L-L-G), fault analysis of unloaded generator and power system, stability problems, swing equation, equal area criteria and factors affecting the stability.

Course Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

  1. Comprehend the fundamental concepts and importance of electrical power system in socio- economic development
  2. Apply numerical methods to compute the load flow results.
  3. Analyze system performance for a balanced and unbalanced fault.
  4. Formulate computational models for analysis of both symmetrical and unsymmetrical conditions in power systems.
3+0 EE213
Engineering Economics & Management
Course Description and CLOs

Course Description

The course aims at learning the introduction to Engineering Economics, fundamentals concepts of time value of money from the engineering perspective, planning, organizing and the operations of processes for the safe and effective use of physical and human resources, the managements challenges in the industry and the basics of product management, process management, total quality management and project management. Also the time value of money, interest and interest rates cost terminology, break-even analysis, accounting principles and cash flow, depreciation and deflations are also learned in this course.

Course Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

  1. Define fundamental principles of project management and economics.
  2. Compare the intelligent decisions of project alternatives during the planning and implementation phases based on the cost/benefit analysis.
  3. Classify the total cost of a project over its entire life and make more informed decisions about maintaining/replacement of assets to enhance the quality of products and efficiency of machines.
  4. Demonstrate effective communication, orally as well as in writing the financial/economical language economics fundamental and an economics specialization.
3+0 None
EE499 Senior Design Project–II 3+0 EE498
Course Description and CLOs

Course Description

This course aims to provide the participants with an overall understanding of the concept of entrepreneurship and small business management. The major topics include opportunity identification, competitor analysis, marketing plan, financial analysis and business plan development.

Course Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

  1. Recognize the nature of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial processes.
  2. Evaluate business opportunities.
  3. Identify and solve major entrepreneurial issues.
  4. Develop a business plan to demonstrate an understanding of the taught concepts.
2+0 None

List Of Electives

Course Code Course Name Credit Hours Pre Req
EE412 Digital Electronics 3+1 EE215
EE444 Artificial Intelligence 3+0 None
EE413 Solid State Devices 3+0 EE215
EE422 Digital Communication 3+1 EE321
EE423 Wave Propagation and Antennas 3+1 EE311
EE424 Wireless and Mobile Communication 3+0 EE321
EE432 Power Generation 3+1 EE315
EE433 Power Distribution and Utilization 3+1 EE213
EE441 Computer Architecture 3+1 EE300
EE443 Operating Systems 3+0 CS210
EE442 Digital Design 3+1 EE200


Dr. M. Noman Jafri


Ms. Aisha Qamar


Ms. Rashida Khalid


Ms. Seher Bano

Lab Engineer

Ms. Sidra Mushtaq

Lab Engineer

Mr. Muffasir Matloob Abbasi

Lab Engineer

Mr. Fawad Ahmad

Lab Engineer