Software Engineering is the practice of creating and implementing large, reliable, efficient, and economical software by applying the principles and practices of engineering. The basic intention of the BS Program in Software Engineering is to train students in all aspects of the software life cycle from requirements specification through analysis and design to testing, maintenance, and evolution of software product; such that utilizing critical analysis and creativity, real- life problems are addressed in an effective manner.
The mission of the Bachelor of Software Engineering is to provide quality education and equip students with technical and transferable skills that prepare socially and ethically responsible software engineering graduates committed to professional development and growth.
The minimum requirements for admission in an undergraduate degree program in Software Engineering are as follows:
2.1- Deficiency: Students with pre-medical, must have to pass deficiency courses of Mathematics of 6 credit hours in first two semesters.
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) are the attributes and abilities that the graduates are expected to demonstrate within four to five years after graduation (on Job). The PEOs are direct translation of program mission and are aligned with university mission and program mission. The PEOs stipulate the high-level program objectives and provide a broad framework to design program learning outcomes, curriculum and its provision. The PEOs are focused on to produce BSSE graduates who:
The Graduate Attributes (GAs) broadly describe the skills, knowledge, and behaviors the students acquire in their program of study. Approved GAs state that the program enables students to:
Course Code | Course Name | Credit Hours | Pre Req |
CS100 |
Introduction to Computing
2+1 | None |
CS106 |
Introduction to Computer Programming
3+1 | None |
NS109 |
Applied Physics
2+1 | None |
SS104 |
English-I (Comprehension)
3+0 | None |
SS108 |
Islamic Studies/Ethics (for Non-Muslims)
2+0 | None |
MT112 |
3+0 | None |
Course Code | Course Name | Credit Hours | Pre Req |
MT114 | Calculus-II | 3+0 | MT112 |
EE200 | Digital Logic Design | 3+0 | NS201 |
CS200 |
Object Oriented Programming
3+1 | CS106 |
SS203 | English-II (Communication Skills) | 3+0 | SS104 |
SE242 |
Software Engineering
3+0 | None |
Course Code | Course Name | Credit Hours | Pre Req |
CS210 |
Data Structures & Algorithms
3+1 | CS200 |
SS118 |
Pakistan Studies
2+0 | None |
SE253 |
Software Requirement Engineering
3+0 | SE242 |
MT221 | Linear Algebra | 3+0 | MT114 |
MGxxx | Social Science Elective-I | 3+0 | |
CS251 | Computer Organization and Assembly Language | 2+1 | EE200 |
Course Code | Course Name | Credit Hours | Pre Req |
CS385 |
Database Management Systems
3+1 | CS210 |
SE317 |
Software Design & Architecture
2+1 | SE253 |
SExxx | Domain Elective-I | 3+0 | None |
MGxxx | Social Science Elective-II | 2+0 | None |
CS304 | Design and Analysis of Algorithms | 3+0 | CS210 |
Course Code | Course Name | Credit Hours | Pre Req |
SE350 |
Software Construction and Development
3+1 | SE317 |
CS432 | Human Computer Interaction | 3+0 | SE242 |
SE321 | Software Quality Engineering | 3+0 | SE242 |
CSxxx | Domain Elective-2 | 3+0 | None |
CS313 | Operating System Concepts | 3+0 | CS251 |
MT201 | Discrete Structures | 3+0 | None |
Course Code | Course Name | Credit Hours | Pre Req |
CS321 |
Computer Networks
3+1 | None |
SExxx | Domain Elective-3 | 3+0 | None |
SExxx | Domain Elective-4 | 3+0 | None |
CSxxx | Professional Practices | 2+0 | None |
MT301 | Statistics and Probability | 3+0 | None |
SS211 | English-III (Technical Report Writing) | 3+0 | SS203 |
Course Code | Course Name | Credit Hours | Pre Req |
SE424 |
Software Project Management
2+1 | SE242 |
CS307 | Artificial Intelligence | 2+1 | MT201 |
SSxxx | Civic and Community Engagement | 2+0 | None |
CSxxx | Domain Elective-5 | 3+0 | None |
CSxxx | Domain Elective-6 | 3+0 | None |
CS499 | Final Project-I | 0+3 | None |
Course Code | Course Name | Credit Hours | Pre Req |
CSxxx | Domain Elective-7 | 3+0 | None |
CS390 |
Information Security
2+1 | CS321 |
MG404 |
2+0 | None |
CS499 | Final Project-II | 0+3 | CS499 |
Code | Title | Cr. Hr. |
CS221 | Web Programming Languages | 3+0 |
CS375 | Mobile Application Development | 3+0 |
CS208 | Modern Programming Languages | 3+0 |
SE318 | Formal Methods in Software Engineering | 3+0 |
SE443 | Web Engineering | 3+0 |
SE325 | Software Re-Engineering | 3+0 |
SE426 | Software Testing | 3+0 |
CS445 | Parallel and Distributed Computing | 3+0 |
SE491 | Special Topics in Software Engineering | 3+0 |
SE300 | Object Oriented Software Engineering | 3+0 |
SE324 | Simulation and Modeling | 3+0 |
SE326 | Business Process Engineering | 3+0 |
CS443 | Digital Image Processing | 3+0 |
CS415 | Codeless Programming | 3+0 |
CSxxx | Advance Database Management Systems | 3+0 |
CS424 | Machine Learning | 3+0 |
CS412 | Natural Language Processing | 3+0 |
*Further elective courses can be added to the list with the approval of HoD and Dean of Faulty.
Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Junior Lecturer
Junior Lecturer