The BSCE is a 4 years (8 semesters) program. The program is designed and developed along the modern lines which are tailored to impart and strengthen the students’ knowledge in Civil Engineering and its related specialties. The education process at the department is based on Outcome Based Education (OBE) system which is focused at achieving specified outcomes in terms of individual student’s learning as specified in Washington Accord. The department offers BE Civil Engineering Program which is accredited by Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) under Outcome Based Education (OBE) system. The BECE program is designed to produce quality professional engineers with abilities to design, manage and operate civil engineering projects. The program effectively provides a strong foundation for those wishing to pursue a career in civil engineering through a diverse range of theoretical skills and practical experiences. The program is based on solid foundations of mathematics and sciences followed by hands on training in well-equipped labs augmented by industrial visits and study tours. BECE program envisages extensive outdoor training in engineering surveying in the field and camp. On job internship training is also hallmark of this program.
The BECE is a 4 years (8 semesters) program. The program is designed and developed along the modern lines which are tailored to impart and strengthen the students’ knowledge in Civil Engineering and its related specialties. The education process at the department is based on Outcome Based Education (OBE) system which is focused at achieving specified outcomes in terms of individual student’s learning as specified in Washington Accord. The department offers BE Civil Engineering Program which is accredited by Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) under Outcome Based Education (OBE) system. The BECE program is designed to produce quality professional engineers with abilities to design, manage and operate civil engineering projects. The program effectively provides a strong foundation for those wishing to pursue a career in civil engineering through a diverse range of theoretical skills and practical experiences. The program is based on solid foundations of mathematics and sciences followed by hands on training in well-equipped labs augmented by industrial visits and study tours. BECE program envisages extensive outdoor training in engineering surveying in the field and camp. On job internship training is also hallmark of this program.
The PEOs for the Civil Engineering Program describe accomplishments that graduates are expected to attain within four to five years after graduation. The PEO’s of the program states that the graduates of BECE program are expected to
“To provide quality education in civil engineering fundamentals, application, innovation and skills that prepare competent graduates who pursue professional excellence with responsibility and effective societal contribution”.
The Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) broadly describe the skills, knowledge, and behaviors the students acquire in their program of study. The PLOs of the BECE program have been adopted from the graduate attributes for engineers defined in the Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) Outcome Based Assessment (OBA) Manual, 2014. The PLOs state that the graduates of Civil Engineering program will attain the following attributes:
Course Code | Course Name | Credit Hours | Pre Req |
CE112 |
Civil Engineering Materials
Course Description and CLOsCourse Description This course aims to familiarize the students about the characteristics of construction materials and to develop the skills for identification of suitable construction materials for Civil Engineering projects. The important topics covered include construction materials such as cement, concrete, lime, metals (steels and aluminum), ceramics, bricks and blocks, glass and wood, bitumen, asphalt, asbestos, plaster of Paris, abrasives, rubber, cork, plastics, paint, bamboo, steel fibers, natural, artificial and steel fibers and fiber reinforced polymers. Students will be able to practice experiments to find out properties of different materials including concrete steel and metals in laboratory. Course Learning Outcomes On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
2+1 | None |
CE116 |
Basic Electrical & Mechanical Engineering
Course Description and CLOsCourse Description This course is designed to introduce students to Inter-Disciplinary inter-disciplinary engineering fields. This course will help Students to acquire basic knowledge of electrical and mechanical engineering relevant to civil engineering. The course will familiarize students with the basic principles of Electrical Elements and Circuits; Electric current, voltage, power and energy, Ohm's law, inductance, capacitance, Kirchhoff’s laws. It will also covers introduction to Fundamentals of heat transfer, conduction, convection, radiation, Thermal conductivity, overall heat transfer coefficients. More topics include electronics; Diode transistor and simple rectifier circuit, Principles of house wiring and industrial wiring, illumination.Students will use tools and instruments in testing and troubleshooting hardware and software component and subsystems while following relevant safety procedures. Course Learning Outcomes On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
2+2 | None |
CE210 |
Civil Engineering Drawing
Course Description and CLOsCourse Description This course is designed to provide civil engineering undergraduates with basic understanding of the theory and practice of engineering drawings for civil engineering applications. Students will learn to read and construct drawings by means of lectures, discussion of drawings along with the examples related to existing buildings or projects. Course outline of this subject includes use of drawing instrument, types of lines used in drawing, isometric views, orthographic projections, plan section and elevation of a building and structural drawing of a building. Students will be able to practice variety of professional civil engineering drawings at a separate drawing hall of Civil Engineering Department. Course Learning Outcomes On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
1+2 | None |
SS113 |
Functional English
Course Description and CLOsCourse Description The course aims at learning word order, identification of phrases, sentence structure and paragraph writing. It focuses on understanding English sentence structure to help the students achieve proficiency in language use, develop listening skills, improve reading efficiency and build up vocabulary. This course will impart extensive knowledge and inculcate the skills for business communication. Other Important topics covered in this course includes oral communication; Group Discussions and interpersonal skills, meetings, interviews, making presentations along with Business & Technical Writing; organizational plans through Direct, Indirect & AIDA approach, job applications and resumes, research / scientific reports. Course Learning Outcomes On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
2+0 | None |
MT103 |
Applied Calculus (Math-1)
Course Description and CLOsCourse Description The course is aimed primarily at basic concepts of Calculus (a branch of Applied Mathematics), begins with a review of fundamentals, it provides a thorough exposition of the basic techniques of calculus useful for further study of science and mathematics and it also strongly focuses on the applications in the engineering field. The course outline of this subject includes complex numbers, limit and continuity, applications of differentiations and integration, optimization, 3D geometry and vectors etc. Course Learning Outcomes On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
3+0 | None |
SS118 |
Pakistan Studies
Course Description and CLOsCourse Description The course aims to develop vision of historical perspective, ideological background, democratic eras, and constitutional development of Pakistan. The course makes the students aware of Pakistan with her foreign policy, geographical and geopolitical importance, industrial development and their social and political rights to make them good citizens. Important topics covered in this course include political and constitutional phases from 1947 to present, society and social structure, Foreign policy of Pakistan and challenges, Futuristic outlook of Pakistan and socio-economic international relations of Pakistan. Course Learning Outcomes On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
1+0 | None |
Course Code | Course Name | Credit Hours | Pre Req |
CE215 |
Engineering Survey-I
Course Description and CLOsCourse Description This course will enables student to understand theory and practice of land surveying and will help in reading and preparing surveying maps and aims to develop skills to use modern survey instruments. This course introduces students to the principles of surveying and modern tools in related field problems. Students will conduct small scale preliminary surveys. Handle and operate instruments like plane table, auto level and theodolite etc. Acquire knowledge of tachometry and their use in advanced branches of surveying. Students will also be introduced to surveying concepts and operations including area determination leveling and plane table survey. Course Learning Outcomes On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
2+1 | None |
CE226 |
Engineering Geology
Course Description and CLOsCourse Description This course aims to familiarize students with importance & application of geology in different civil engineering projects. It aims to develop an understanding of composition of various minerals, rocks (their main groups and transformation), their properties and uses. Agents of weathering & erosion, their types and classification are also discussed. Types, formation and causes of volcanoes is discussed in detail along with magma/Lava eruption. Landslides their causes, types and remedies are also covered. Sound knowledge of Earthquakes their causes, classification, and effects are provided in this course. Besides, methods of tunneling, tunnel lining, geological survey maps are also included. Course Learning Outcomes On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
2+0 | None |
SS108 |
Islamic Studies / Ethics
Course Description and CLOsCourse Description The course is aimed to provide basic information about Islamic Studies; to enhance understanding of the learners regarding Islamic Civilization. The course masters the skill of the learners to understand Islamic civilization and issues related to faith and religious life. This course will help to improve student’s skills to perform prayers and worship. Study of selected text of Holy Quran and seerat of Holy Prophet (S.A.W) is an essential part. In addition, other important topics covered in this course include Islam & Science, Islamic economic system, and political system of Islam. On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
2+0 | None |
CE111 |
Engineering Mechanics
Course Description and CLOsCourse Description This course introduces students with the principles required to solve civil engineering mechanics problems. The activities in this course will cover the following main topics: Basic Concepts, System of Forces, Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies, Properties of Areas, Friction, Kinematics and Kinetics. Students will gain knowledge of modeling and analysis of static equilibrium problems with an emphasis on real world engineering applications and problem solving. This course methodology involves lectures, laboratory experiments, practice problems, and extensive problem sets. In addition, various laboratory experiments related to principles of statics and dynamics will also be performed. On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
3+1 | None |
MT116 |
Applied Differential Equations (Math-2)
Course Description and CLOsCourse Description This course is designed to provide students with an introduction to the theory of ordinary differential equations through applications, methods of solution, and numerical approximations. The course makes the students aware of First Order Differential Equations and its Applications, Second Order Differential Equations and its Applications, Higher Order Linear Differential Equations, Partial Differential Equations and Fourier series. Students will be able to perform analysis of civil engineering problems by applying differential equations. On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
3+0 | None |
Course Code | Course Name | Credit Hours | Pre Req |
CS115 |
Computing & Programming
Course Description and CLOsCourse Description This course aims to develop skills of computer programming and its applications in elementary civil engineering problems. It will enable students to learn computer programming languages and Microsoft Office. Students will learn variety of Loop Control Structures and Case Control Structures. The important topics of this course includes Functions; Passing values between functions, function’s declaration and prototypes, Arrays and Strings, pointers, File handling, Structures. Students will get the hands-on practice to MS office and advanced applications of MS Excel along with the basic use of MATLAB software. On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
1+2 | None |
CE211 |
Civil Engineering drawing and Graphics
Course Description and CLOsCourse Description This course aims to enable students to prepare and understand architectural and structural drawings of various civil engineering structures. Architectural and structural drawings along with plumbing & electrical details of two-storied building are briefly discussed and drawn (using AutoCAD software in the computer Lab) in this course. Similarly, drawings and detailing of hydraulic & drainage structures, and highways & motorway is discussed and drawn (using AutoCAD software) during this course. An introduction to Building Information Modeling (BIM) software is also provided in this course. On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
1+2 | CE210 |
CE314 |
Advance Engineering Surveying
Course Description and CLOsCourse Description This course will enable students to acquire knowledge of control surveys and their use in advance branches of surveying. They will be able to apply principles of surveying and modern tools in related field problems. Conduct small scale preliminary surveys. Handle and operate instruments like total station, theodolite and GPS etc. Students will acquire knowledge of control surveys and their use in advanced branches of surveying. Apply principles of surveying and modern tools in related field problems. To introduce the student to advanced surveying concepts and operations including curves, geodetic surveying, tunnel surveying, remote sensing, Geographic Information systems, hydrographic surveying and photogrammetry. This course develops student proficiency in surveying calculations including area determination, disclosure evaluation, traverse adjustment, coordinate geometry. On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
2+1 | CE215 |
CE216 |
Mechanics of Solids-I
Course Description and CLOsCourse Description This course aims to develop the ability of students to understand the behavior of beams and bars under different sets of loadings and stresses. Students will able to demonstrate stress and strain transformation. The main topics include stress-strain properties of materials, deflection of beams, theories of bending and torsion and stress-strain transformation. In addition, students will be able to practice experiments to find out properties of different materials including concrete steel and metals in laboratory. On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
2+1 | None |
MG434 |
Engineering Economics
Course Description and CLOsCourse Description This course will introduce students to the fundamentals of engineering economics and they will be able to perform economic analysis of different projects. They will be able to differentiate between economics and accounting and will learn to make best possible decision using economic decision analysis. It will introduce students to PWA, AWA and FWA systems. Use sensitivity analysis, breakeven analysis and alternative analysis to make best possible decisions regarding different alternatives available. They will be able to perform benefit cost ratio analysis and will learn various concepts regarding accounting. On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
2+0 | None |
Course Code | Course Name | Credit Hours | Pre Req |
CE326 |
Construction Engineering
Course Description and CLOsCourse Description This course is aimed to provide knowledge of various construction methodologies and equipment that are being used in the execution of a particular construction project. Students will be able to understand different types of construction projects and their delivery methods. Student will learn about sustainable construction and an overview of Construction Industry of Pakistan. Student will understand different Project categories, their goals and objectives. Students will learn on site selection and orientation of building, design and use of formwork, foundation types, concreting, steel construction, wood works and finishing works. This course also includes a basic overview of retaining structures, hydraulic structures, underwater concreting and pavements. Moreover, students will be introduced to the advanced construction and maintenance technologies. on completion, students will develop the ability to carry out the construction projects according to drawings and specifications. On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
3+0 | None |
CE214 |
Structural Analysis-I
Course Description and CLOsCourse Description The aim of the course is to introduce students with basic concepts of structural analysis with a special focus on the analysis of determinate structures. Through selective underlying theory and analysis students will be able to draw the axial force, shear force and bending moment diagrams of beams, frames, cables, arches and trusses under the static gravity loads. Moreover, students will also be able to calculate the rotation and deflection of beams and frames by various methods of analysis. Students will be able to draw Influence line diagram for the moving loads. On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
3+0 | CE111 |
CE213 |
Soil Mechanics
Course Description and CLOsCourse Description This course aims to cover all the essential concepts related to soil mechanics. Students will learn to analyze and solve the various fundamental problems related to compaction, seepage theory, stresses and strains in the soil along with effective stress concept and shear strength of the soil. Student will also be familiarized with relevant terms and important soil tests so that they can work effectively with geotechnical engineering specialists in the field. The course features soil basics, including the derivation, identification and classification. Students will perform various experiments on soil properties in the laboratory and Field identification test. On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
3+1 | None |
CE201 |
Fluid Mechanics
Course Description and CLOsCourse Description This course aims to cover the fundamental advanced topics of fluid mechanics including the application of Bernoulli’s theorems and continuity equations along with the calculations of major and minor losses in pipes. Students will learn and understand the behavior of flow in close conduits as well as open channels. Designing and operating principles of hydroelectric machinery will be thoroughly covered in this course including centrifugal, reciprocating pumps and water turbines. This course features lecture, laboratory experiments, practice problems, and extensive problem sets. Complex engineering problem will also be a part of this course in which students will be able to learn and apply in-depth engineering knowledge to solve complex practical problems. Various laboratory experiments related to main topics will be performed in the laboratory of fluid mechanics. On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
3+1 | None |
MT300 |
Numerical Analysis
Course Description and CLOsCourse Description This course aims to introduce students to the numerical methods of solving the non-linear equations, interpolation, differentiation, and integration. The students will be familiarized with the ways of solving complicated mathematical problems numerically through extensive numerical problem-solving exercises. In addition, this course will improve the student’s skills in numerical methods by using the most widely used numerical analysis software’s e.g., MATLAB and Mathmatica. On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
3+0 | None |
Course Code | Course Name | Credit Hours | Pre Req |
MT301 |
Probability & Statistics
Course Description and CLOsCourse Description This course provides an elementary introduction to probability and statistics with applications. The statistics portion of this course covers the basic knowledge of Presentation of Data and Measures of Central Tendency, Measures of Dispersion, Curve Fitting and Regression. The probability portion of this course provide students with a strong foundation of Probability and Random Variable, Probability Distribution and Mathematical expectation of a random variable. Students will also be introduced with the modern tools e.g., SPSS, MATLAB and MS EXCEL to solve Civil Engineering Problems. On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
2+1 | None |
CE301 |
Advance Fluid Mechanics
Course Description and CLOsCourse Description This course aims to cover the fundamental advanced topics of fluid mechanics including the application of Bernoulli’s theorems and continuity equations along with the calculations of major and minor losses in pipes. Students will learn and understand the behavior of flow in close conduits as well as open channels. Designing and operating principles of hydroelectric machinery will be thoroughly covered in this course including centrifugal, reciprocating pumps and water turbines. This course features lecture, laboratory experiments, practice problems, and extensive problem sets. Complex engineering problem will also be a part of this course in which students will be able to learn and apply in-depth engineering knowledge to solve complex practical problems. Various laboratory experiments related to main topics will be performed in the laboratory of fluid mechanics. On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
3+1 | CE201 |
SS204 |
Business Communication
Course Description and CLOsCourse Description This course introduces the students to build the proficiency needed to succeed in today’s technologically enhanced workplace by focusing on the development of professional oral and written communication skills. The important topics covered include types of communication, verbal and non-verbal communication, effective communication, feedback, group discussions, meetings, interviews and presentations. This course will help students in writing business messages, letters, memorandum, emails, inquiries, meeting notices, agendas, job applications, resume and research/scientific reports. On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
2+0 | None |
SS201 |
Professional Ethics
Course Description and CLOsCourse Description This course will help the students to grasp ideals and principles of traditional ethical systems. Students will be able to apply ethical concepts and guidelines in solving major problems and dilemmas of civil engineering practices in a corporate culture. The main topics include Moral Reasoning & Ethical Frameworks, Contemporary Professional Ethics; Risk and Safety as an Ethical Concern for Engineers, Environmental Ethics, Computer Ethics &the Internet. Other topics include Honesty: Truthfulness, trustworthiness, academic and research integrity, critique codes of ethics. On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
2+0 | None |
CE320 |
Reinforced Concrete Design-I
Course Description and CLOsCourse Description This course aims to develop ability of students to demonstrate various properties of concrete, design philosophies and code provisions. Students will be able to analyze structural framing, design various reinforced concrete structural members and generate structural drawings with detailing. In addition, the course enables students to practice experiments regarding concrete preparation and concrete testing in laboratory. On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
3+1 | None |
CE324 |
Quantity & Cost Estimation
Course Description and CLOsCourse Description This course aims to provide the basic knowledge of estimation and quantity surveying. The purpose of this course is to impart knowledge about costing and estimation in students. In order to know cost of the project, inputs quantities of the projects should be known it is designed to extensive estimation of quantities. In this course students will also learn the various principles of computations related to quantity surveying and practice them in the computer lab. Students will be given exercises to enhance skills in preparing detail estimates and bill of quantities for various civil engineering projects I will also familiarize the students with tender and contract documents. On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
2+1 | None |
Course Code | Course Name | Credit Hours | Pre Req |
CE327 |
Construction Management
Course Description and CLOsCourse Description This course aims to enhance ability of students in planning and management techniques for various construction projects through introduction to various Construction challenges and management issues. Students will understand Project Planning, Scheduling and Controlling by Deterministic Models. The important topics includes Work Breakdown Structure, Project activities and their types, activity sequencing, Arrow Diagramming Method (ADM) and Precedence Diagramming Method (PDM), CPM Scheduling; Resource scheduling, Cost loaded schedule, S-curve, Cash flow analysis. Students will also learn Program Evaluation & Review Technique (PERT) along with Statistical tools including mean, variance and standard Deviation, Probability distribution, Beta curves and center limit theorem. On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
2+1 | CE326 |
CE317 |
Mechanics of Solids-II
Course Description and CLOsCourse Description This course aims to develop the ability of students to carry out analysis of complex state of stresses in flexural elements and tubular members and stability analysis of columns under eccentric loading. Students will able to apply theory of elastic deformation and describe application of theory of plasticity, plastic analysis and energy methods. In addition, students will also be able to conduct laboratory experiments related to individual and combined stresses on tubular, flexural and axial members. On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
2+1 | CE216 |
CE414 |
Reinforced Concrete Design-II
Course Description and CLOsCourse Description This course aims to develop ability of students to design reinforced concrete complex structural elements and systems manually. Students will be able to interpret the concept and methods of pre-stressing and evaluate structures using seismic analysis and computer aided analysis and design. In addition, the course enables students to design structural elements and systems on modern tools through lab experiments. On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
3+1 | CE320 |
CE319 |
Transportation Engineering-I
Course Description and CLOsCourse Description This course aims to provide the basic knowledge in transportation so that students can understand and able to solve transportation related problems. Students will learn to design for highway with focus on highway user’s characteristics, geometric and pavement design, traffic engineering, and transportation planning. The course will also cover railway engineering, which includes elements of tracks, site selection for railway station, construction and maintenance of track. It encompasses various topics of airport engineering and ports and harbor engineering such as site selection for airport, airport classification, airport drainage system, ports and harbors of Pakistan, channel regulation and demarcation. On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
3+0 | None |
CE306 |
Engineering Hydrology
Course Description and CLOsCourse Description The course serves as an introduction to the field of Engineering Hydrology. It covers fundamentals topics such as the hydrological cycle, catchment, losses, hydrographs and hyetographs. Students will learn to design various hydraulic structures through flood frequency analysis, determination of design rainfall intensity and hyetographs, peak flow estimation, design hydrograph estimation, groundwater process and modeling. Students will also perform hydrologic analysis of water sheds in the computer lab. On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
2+1 | None |
CE318 |
Structural Analysis-II
Course Description and CLOsCourse Description The course aims to introduce students with the basic concepts for the analysis of indeterminate structures and to develop the skills for using the state-of-the-art methods of structural analysis. Students will learn to analyze indeterminate structures through force methods approaches, displacement methods approaches and finite element method approaches. Both indeterminate beams and frames will be analyzed using the method of least work, consistent deformation method, slope deflection method, moment distribution method and finite element method under static and moving loads. Students will develop the skills for using the state-of-the-art methods of structural analysis. On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
3+0 | CE214 |
Course Code | Course Name | Credit Hours | Pre Req |
CE305 |
Environmental Engineering-I
Course Description and CLOsCourse Description This course aims to introduce students with the technical aspects of modern systems for drinking water treatment and distribution in an integrated way. The course will cover topics from traditional aspects of demand calculations and source selections to the up-to-date treatment methods, network design tools. The components of distribution and collection systems, drinking water quality, disinfection and selected methods for treatment of drinking water. Students will be introduced with the modern water network designing software’s. various laboratory experiments will be performed to check the physical, chemical and biological quality of water in the Environmental Engineering laboratory. On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
2+1 | None |
MG403 |
Mgmt Sc Elective (Entrepreneurship)
Course Description and CLOsCourse Description This course aims to help students to learn the concept of how Entrepreneurship and how it is an important component in the process of economic development. Students will be able to analyze the theories of entrepreneurship and to go for case studies of successful entrepreneurs. The important topics includes Entrepreneurial Management, Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Sources of innovative opportunities, Risks involved in innovation, Developing Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurship Organization, Entrepreneurial Marketing strategies. On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
3+0 | None |
CE330 |
Architecture & Town Planning
Course Description and CLOsCourse Description This course aims to introduce students to the transformation of architecture from ancient to modern patterns through historical development. Students will be able to describe buildings, materials and town planning in terms of architectural aspects and apply patterns of land use for urban planning and city extensions. Other topics include development of Islamic architecture, urban planning, preliminary studies related to resources, surveys and maps. On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
3+0 | None |
CE403 |
SGeoTech & Foundation Engg
Course Description and CLOsCourse Description This course helps the students to understand advanced knowledge of Geotechnical investigation and Foundation design. Student will be able to design variety of structures such as earth retaining structures, sheet piles and shallow footings based on construction principles used in Foundation Engineering. Students will be able to analyze earth retaining structures to determine active, passive and at rest lateral earth pressures (and associated forces) based on Rankine Theory and Coulomb Theory. and design dimensions of retaining gravity and cantilever walls and assess the stability of these designed walls. Other topics include, bearing capacity of soils under shallow footings using Terzaghi and Meyerhof equations., sheet piles, depth of embedment, maximum moment, and the tension in tie rod in case of using anchored sheet piles. Students will Conduct basic technical investigations, compile and analyze information, and produce a brief and concise report with an appropriate conclusion. On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
3+1 | CE213 |
CE419 |
Transportation Engineering-II
Course Description and CLOsCourse Description This course aims to equip students with knowledge related to highway design, construction, maintenance and traffic operations. The important topics covered include introduction to road systems, classification of highways. Students will learn geometric design of road, design control criteria and design of rigid and flexible pavement. The course will cover highway drainage, pavement failures, non-destructive testing, pavement construction, maintenance and rehabilitation. It also encompasses traffic engineering which includes traffic operation and design speeds, traffic safety, traffic control devices, traffic management and relevant computer software for highway structure design. On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
3+1 | CE319 |
CE498 |
Civil Engineering Project–I
Course DescriptionCourse Description The student undertake a major design project and work in team to accomplish the task. In Project-I, they prepare and present a project proposal and carried out their work in Project-II. |
0+3 | None |
Course Code | Course Name | Credit Hours | Pre Req |
CE411 |
Course Description and CLOsCourse Description This course aims to train students with state-of-the-art Geo-informatics software and its various applications in engineering. Geo Informatics course contains the main topics illustrating the facts about Geo-Informatics contains the Geographic Information System (GIS), Remote Sensing (RS), Introduction to Global Positioning System and Field in combination with Laboratory Work with Software to boost the knowledge of students for their career in this versatile field .Field and Laboratory Work with Software is designed particularly to Train students on GPS instruments-based surveys, Integration of GPS data in GIS, Exercises on Image processing software and recent GIS software and Demonstration on RS/GIS applications in engineering disciplines On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
1+1 | None |
CE406 |
Environmental Engineering-II
Course Description and CLOsCourse Description The aim of this course is to introduce the students to the area of wastewater treatment and its processes. The course includes topics of water chemistry; characteristics of water & wastewater; primary, secondary & tertiary treatment processes; sludge disposal; and design of wastewater treatment plants. Students will also be able to learn and design trickling filters, sludge digestion chamber through various sludge treatment and disposal techniques. This course comprises of theory and numerical examples. Complex engineering problem will also be a part of this course in which students will be able to learn to apply in-depth engineering knowledge to solve complex practical problems. On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
2+0 | CE305 |
CE425 |
Steel Structures
Course Description and CLOsCourse Description The aim of the course is to acquaint students with use of steel as a structural component and develop their ability to design steel structures using the design manual of American institute of steel construction. The course will discuss the basic mechanical principles and underlying modern approaches for the designing of various types of structural members subjected to axial load, torsion, bending, transverse shear, and combined loading. Apart from the familiarization with AISC code, students will also learn the design theories; ASD, LRFD & Plastic design. On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
3+0 | None |
CE424 |
Hydraulics & Irrigation Engineering
Course Description and CLOsCourse Description This course aims to introduce the students with the Steady flow in open channels, Unsteady flow, Dams and Hydro Power Engineering, Canal Irrigation Engineering, Hydraulic Structures, Water logging and Salinity and Drainage. Major portion of this course is related to irrigation. The students will able to understand fundamentals of hydraulic structures, particularly related to open channel flow, flow through pipes, dam and river engineering and to enhance the capabilities of students related to irrigation techniques and structures and canal network. Students will also perform laboratory experiments on hydraulic flume in the hydraulic laboratory. On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
3+1 | CE301 |
MG295 |
Social Science Elective (OB)
Course Description and CLOsCourse Description In this course students will study the behavior of individuals and groups in the workplace. They will learn and examine individual and group behavior, communication, conflict and various management styles, motivational techniques and coordination in the work environment. Important topics include Structure and Control in Organization; Bureaucracy and Managerial work, Stress management techniques, Individual differences, social interaction in a group at workplace. In addition, students will also be able to apply these concepts to the development of an organization through exposure to case studies. On successful completion of the course, students will be able to:
2+0 | None |
CE499 | Civil Engineering Project–II | 0+3 | CE498 |
Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
Lab Engineer
Lab Engineer
Lab Engineer
Lab Engineer